The mixed approach had put the fund in a pretty lucrative position over the past three to four years. 过去三四年里,这种消极与积极相结合的手法,使得该基金盈利极为丰厚。
In this paper the mixed characteristic of open-end fund is analysed, its circulation, as well as circulation risk, is defined. 本文首先分析了开放式基金资本的混合型特性,然后对流动性和流动性风险进行了界定。
This has not merely influenced the promotion of the business administration benefit greatly, but also caused the accountant to be mixed and disordered, management to be corrupted, giving the lawless person corrupting, diverting unit's fund or annexing unit's assets with the opportunity. 这不仅大大影响了企业管理效益的提升,而且造成会计工作的杂乱无序、管理混乱,给贪污、挪用单位资金或侵吞单位资产的不法分子以可乘之机。
Under current conditions, implementing banking industry mixed with securities, may bring some risks, such as the risks of cooperation of banking and securities, financial holding companies, fund managing companies created by commercial banks, and financial systemic risks. 现行体制下,我国实施银证混业,可能会产生一些风险,主要包括银证合作的风险、金融控股公司的风险、商业银行设立基金管理公司的风险以及金融系统性风险。
Mixed financial sector accounts business development fund industry to bring a good time. 金融行业的混业经营带给基金行业专户业务发展的良好时机。
The results of the empirical analysis indicate that the yields of the stock funds and mixed open-ended funds are better than the market average. Fund managers show fairly good performance in their stock selectivity, but obvious weakness in market-timing. 实证分析结果显示,我国股票型和混合型基金的收益都超过了市场基准的收益,基金经理基本上都具备较强的选股能力,但是不具备明显的时机选择能力。